What kind of player detection are you using?
PHP/ASP? (is this possible?)
I just ran into the first problem of using AS3. Some users can’t see the flash…
Usually I export AS2 files for that website to flash player 9 and never had an issue before. Is it possible that even if you’re using player 8 or 7 you’re able to see AS2 SWFs published for player 9?
swfobject is what I use - version 2.0 is out. I’ve never had a problem with it. I’m not sure about v9 swfs, but v8/v7 swfs, if flash detection wasn’t used, the older player would still try to render the newer swf. This led to things like, pieces of the site appearing, and others not appearing, especially dynamic text.
swfobject looks very promising! 
I’m going to try it right now!
It works great 
But I can’t try the expressInstall because I can’t find any installer for the player 8 for mac…
Expressinstall is just that .swf in package. U don’t have to compile it.