I’ll explain the best I can, I’ll also upload the files. Here goes.
I have two buttons on the stage, both are movie clips with buttons on the first frame of the movie. It is button one we need to look at. Ok, the code on the button in the movie is as follows:
on (release) {
if (_root.Button2._currentframe == 7) {
// other actionscript functions for when button is pressed,
// such as getURL, are inserted here.
on (release) {
loadMovie(“test.swf”, “empty”);
This code does indeed work for moving the buttons into place but my last few lines of code ask for an swf file to be loaded into an empty movie clip on the stage. It doesn’t work, alas.
I have tried the following code also which has a root element on my last bit of code as you can see:
on (release) {
if (_root.Button2._currentframe == 7) {
// other actionscript functions for when button is pressed,
// such as getURL, are inserted here.
on (release) {
_root.loadMovie(“test.swf”, “empty”);
This loads the swf “test” but everything else disapears
Oh please can you help? I realise that movies can be loaded into levels also but I need it to load into specific areas onstage and when I use the levels method It loads into the top left hand corner.
Thank you.