Yesterday I started making an intro to a website with lots of Motion tweens. However I had a problem with the sound , and my question was kindly answered by the people here, and when I restarted doing the intro, now the motion tweens don’t work… I make them, first with Alpha 0 - 5 frames space - 100% alpha , but when I make a preview they act like normal appearing and dissapearing and doesn’t make the effect!! I messed around the Flash so much last night that I don’t know what I done to cause this problem… if you know please help!
I attached a simple motion tween with alpha animation ( not working )
Not sure about this, but I think some fonts aren’t able to be tweened.
I used the font “_sans” for a text I was tweening, but it didn’t work.
Used arial instead which then worked!
No, I have tweened this font before… it is a problem with the ALPHA… I think it’s probably the only thing that is not working. But thanks anyway.
I couldn’t make it work because that particular Font was NOT installed on my system so I could not select [U]Anti-Alias for animation[/U]. Once I selected another font that was installed, it worked perfectly. Can you select your ‘whatever’ MC and change it to Anti-Alias for animation? If not, there’s your problem.
I just figured out the mistake… I had the text on the movie clip as Dynamic, and the alpha doesn’t work with dynamic text… it is working now… you can check it out here ->
Sweet site!