helo my name is Michael and i have problem with flash arrays
i need to place in the array letters from InputTextField
to count every one of them.
i need this fo Huffman algorithm i know that user put string like this
and i need broke this string a part nad place every letter in array
but main problem is that when my_array = new Array(w,w,w,w)
i can’t take for dynamicTextField myDynamic_txt.text=my_array[0]
i get #undefine. I know that letters need to be in ’ ’ but i don’t know how tu put them in ‘’ ???
i know that trace(my_array[0]) works why?
my_str = input_str.split(""); // to split string ","
//w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,e,e,e,e,e,e,e it works
my_array = new Array(input_str.length);
my_array.push="'"+my_str+"'"; // it doesn't work ;(
myDynamic_txt.text=my_array*; // it doesn't work too // ;(