Help Please

I need help with a flash project Im doing for a class. Im having trouble getting the file to load. In the attached flash file, the middle button, with the x’d out eyes, I want it to load the movie clip “topleft” in the top left of the screen…if anyone can help me with this, I would be so thankful…I gotta have this done for a consultation tomorrow morning…please help!!..on second thought, it wont let me upload it because its too large…I guess 176 kb is too large to upload…I have it hosted here…

Thanks a ton guys

i’m not sure what you are doing here, why not just drag the topleft movie on your stage where you want it and then have the button tell it to play. You have each individual part on the main timeline, is there a reason for this? If you don’t want it to show up till you click the button just add a blank keyframe to your topleft movie with a stop on the first frame then have the button tell it to play.

I dont know what Im doing wrong, I still cant get anything to work…