Help pls hehe _x,_y of a MC in a MC

Im trying to get the X, Y of a Movie clip (well call it “target_mc”)
its inside of a parent MC (well call it…“parent_mc”)

but im trying to get the X,Y as they relate to the main stage(_root)

so far the two methods ive used are

this._x = _root["parent_mc"]._x + _root["parent_mc"]["target_mc"]._x
    this._y = _root["parent_mc"]._y + _root["parent_mc"]["target_mc"]._y

bullet._x = _root[“MainChar_mc”]._x
bullet._y = _root[“MainChar_mc”]._y

neither worked
it seemed like the first method(the one in the code block) places it at the starting position of the MC i need the location of

but to further complicate it the parent_mc is a rotating clip(Ive got code to make it follow the mouse)

anyway if anyone knows how i can place this in a location that is changing whenever the mouse moves please help

if figure there must be some way i can do something like
this._x =_ymouse - ( _root[“parent_mc”]._x + _root[“parent_mc”][“target_mc”]._x)

or something to position the object dynamically where its supposed to be

why not use syntax like


why are you doing


that??? if your parent_mc is a named instance of a movie clip just use


bah whatever its the same :stuck_out_tongue:

anyway back too my original question how can i get the position of a movieclip nested in a movieclip

parent_mc.target_mc._x gives me target_mc’s X value in relation to parent_mc which is fine if the clip was stationary…but it isnt taking into effect rotation of the parent movie clip when it returns the targets location

Ive attached an Image of Parent MC the Black box is the Target_mc

it returns x = -35 y -70 (which is correct when its vertical)
if i rotate the whole movie clip (parent_mc) 45 degrees
it still returns c = -35 , y = -70 (the x y values if it wasnt rotated)

the pink dot on the nose is the point at which the movie clip rotates around

post a fla…then i can attempt to fix it :smiley:

sorry they look so bad…havent been commenting much i commented some and tried to point out the part im having trouble with (near the bottom)

its all AS pretty much

^^ only file share i know…FLA is to big to attach

ok will check em out

You can use the localToGlobal and globalToLocal functions to determine what the child MC’s _x, _y coordinates are relative to the _root. (or any other object)

thanks fizix…im getting closer now…cant quite get it right but at least now it seems to be taking rotation into acct

bah im getting frusterated…I cant get this crap to place right

i cant download your fla that stupid file share is being annoying…

ill pm you my email address ok…