Help! Problems with links not functioning in Flash, some movies not loadng? [renamed]

i need some flash help. i’m making a page…fully flash…all links but 2 work there are 5 links 3 of 5 work and i don’t understand why…the pages are small like 22 kb or so and i don’t see why they are taking so long to load or if they are loading at all if you have ANY ideas please help thanks in advance

Welcome to kirupa=)

I think no one will have an idea if don’t give more info or code/fla:q:


if anyone is willing to help i’d be happy…because i mean i up it to the net and only 2 of the 5 links don’t work and all code is the same i have it setup kinda weird where it loads in the _root.contents thing and all links say that but not all things work online yet…locally they work find…is that enough info? probally not but if u can still help post or e-mail me at thanks so much again cause i need this webpage to work

Without the fla I think it’s a path problem…
Can’t you post your code/fla?


i can’t post the FLA because it would have me post like 6 of them because it calls for the other one …u kno…i’ll put my code up here for one of my buttons

Works online…

on (release) {

Works offline not online

on (release) {

i have no clue why it won’t work online…it really making me angry any ideas?

It will be something inside clients.swf… Did you refer in that fla to _root?


obvously i’m new to this…ok what i have is a index.swf that in that has a contents thing and i tell clients.swf to load in _root.contents or what not…and then it works offline but when i put it online only that link and projects don’t work i have 3 others that have the same codein and all…if u want u can e-mail me and then i’ll send u the FLA’s more than one and u can see if u see the problem…or instant message me on AIM or MSN or Aim is Scotta2700 and my e-mail that i check is sorry for all of the e-mail and stuff but eh what can i do lol :slight_smile: in any event i really much thank you for your help…i will send FLA’s in E-mail but i don’t kno how to post them on here and i don’t believe i would like to…thanks if u do e-mail me :slight_smile:

Check your PM;)


Watch the caps:)
You’re trying to load “clients.swf”, but it’s published as “Clients.swf”…


i’ll try that and get back to ya…it worked fine though?