The info relating to
Fixing the Flash/Embed Issue
on this page
was great, Thank You
One further question please
If the user doesnt have Flash installed, or enabled, the page is blank.
Can something be added to one of the lines that returns a message/link/ or alt content?
Thank you
<div id="“flashcontent3"” style="“width: 117px; height:430px”"></div>
<script type="“text/javascript”">
var fo = new FlashObject(""/siteimages/general/side_bar_us.swf"", ““animationName””, ““117"”, ““430"”, ““7"”, “”#FFFFFF””);
fo.addParam(”“allowScriptAccess”", ““sameDomain””);
fo.addParam("“quality”", ““high””);
fo.addParam("“scale”", ““noscale””);
fo.addParam("“loop”", ““false””);