Help - Seemingly simple Active Button Question

Hi all.

OK, help.

This is very simple. I know it is. And it’s beyond me.

I have buttons (transparent) and little mc animations (tweened the good old fashioned way) that play underneath them on onPress.

What I want to do is make it so that when you press say “Home” the animation will stay in the “on” position until you click something else, anything else. That is to say, I want to say “This button just got clicked, play the animation, keep it in the “active” state while the user is looking at the page, and play the “inactive” state when the user clicks ANYTHING else.”

Right now, I’ve coded each individual button like this:

on(release) {
buttonthing.gotoAndPlay (“off”);
buttonthing3.gotoAndPlay (“off”);
buttonthing4.gotoAndPlay (“off”);
buttonthing2.gotoAndPlay (“on”);

That’s just silly, but I can’t figure out any other way!

Any help with this would be great. I don’t want to do anything complex, just a simple way of saying it with AS would be amazing.

