[Help] Structuring FLA - Best Practices

Hey People,

Before I begin, i come a Java background with strong emphasis on OOP. I started developing in Flash a couple of years back - with the advent of AS2 making the transition from Java to AS a little easier.

Having read the very good article “The best structure for your Flash site”, I’ve got a couple of issues that I need some help/advice on.

Now I’m a pretty seasoned AS developer and Flash designer. I’ve read alot about the best practices in Flash from Macromedia / Adobe docs.

What got me wondering was how do people structure their FLA’s?

To elaborate, do you guys keep your AS code (not classes btw) inside the FLA or do you import an external .as using the #include and references to movieclips from the .as file? I noticed that in some Macromedia / Adobe examples that they usually #include .as files that have references to the instance names inside the FLA.

Also about centralized code - what exactly constitues as centralized code (please do not mention putting code on instances or symbols :wink: )


_root > frame 1 - actions layer > AS code

so therefore, is it good practice to have code in the library such as:

library > someMovieclip > frame 1 - actions layer > AS code - that deals with stuff related to that clip.

I hope I’ve made sense!
