Hey thanks in advance to anyone who takes a look at this for me and helps me out, cause I’ve fried my brain trying to figure this out. So I’ve attached my .fla, and my xml is at the bottom, for you to look at. It’s an image viewer, pop in some pics and you’ll see what’s going on. Problem is I can’t get the text from the xml to load in, and I know why, just don’t know how to fix it. Had several ideas, but none worked. Best case scenario, I’d just like it to work. But an even better one, would be to work, but to also function as a movie clip and be “attached” to the main photo, as the thumbnails are, and move with the resize. That would be perfect.
Again thanks…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<images thumbs="photos_th" viewers="photos">
<img thumb="picture_th.jpg" viewer_bw="picture.jpg" largura="300" altura="300" desc="Title"/>
<img thumb="picture_th.jpg" viewer_bw="picture.jpg" largura="300" altura="300" desc="Title"/>