i’m trying to make an horizontal menu
i’ve got 7 buttons horizontally aligned. Between each button, a vertical line ( so, 6 lines ).
i want to have the same _x space between buttons…
so, this is my AS code :
// addition of all my buttons width
var totalWidth:Number = 0;
for (tw=1; tw<8; tw++) {
totalWidth += this["btn"+tw]._width;
// calcul of my space between buttons (7:nb of buttons)
interv = (Stage.width-totalWidth)/7;
for (i=1; i<8; i++) {
mc._y = 100;
var mc:MovieClip = this["btn"+i];
mc.indice = i;
mc._x = mc._width+interv;
//duplicate my line between buttons
duplicateMovieClip(sep, "sep"+i, i);
this["sep"+i]._x = 10*i;
the problem is all my buttons are at the same _x value… and the vertical line seems not to work …
help !
( in fact, i’m not sure that my code is the right AS code for doing this simple thing…)