I currently have the following XML code:
<imagesGallery gallName="jbjects">
<images imagesSmall="gallery/tfile_small_3_1.jpg" imagesBig="gallery/tfile_gall_3_1.jpg" imageTitle="This is a test1"/>
<images imagesSmall="gallery/tfile_small_3_2.jpg" imagesBig="gallery/tfile_gall_3_2.jpg" imageTitle="This is a test1"/>
I have this code to get how many image elements are in this:
var galleryLength:Number=MovieClip(root).program.websiteXML.settings.imagesPage.imagesGallery[MovieClip(root).gallery_category_num].images.length();
I got it from a template so I’m trying to work with it. This would trace two if I traced the galleryLength. If I change the code to just trace the following:
It will trace out my original XML. However, I’m trying to get the gallName. I tried to make the code:
That however didn’t trace anything. Any ideas how I can read the galleryname? Thanks in advance