Help understanding display objects

I thought I had a fairly good grasp on display objects and the display list, but apparently I don’t because I’m running into an issue.

For my game, I have a class called PlayerAtom. It’s just a plain class that extends Sprite and has a few public variables, and that’s it. Nothing fancy, other than it has a loader variable that loads external images.

Anyways back on the main timeline of my movie, I created a MovieClip called playerContainer. I think I’ve set the scenario well enough, so here’s the code.

var playerContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

function createAtoms():void {
var playerAtom: PlayerAtom = new PlayerAtom(“blue.png”); = “playerAtom”;


Ok so there’s the code. For whatever reason, I absolutely cannot access the variables of playerContainer.playerAtom. If I do a trace(playerContainer.playerAtom), it returns “object PlayerAtom”, so it knows it’s there. But for whatever reason, it no longer has any variables defined. Can anybody please shed some insight?