Help! why doesn't loadmovie() work?

Please help me~ I know this is really silly and I ought to bash myself for asking this, but plese take a moment to help me :puzzle:

I’ve checked the script many times over. what happens is that there is a movie clip with movie clip instance “empty_mc” in the main movie. at frame 1 of scene 2 ( after preloader ) its supposed to do this code

loadMovie(“index.swf”, empty_mc);

this would actually load “index.swf” into the movie clip empty_mc.

but why doesnt it work? tis is really puzzling me out! :ponder:

i have attached the files and u can download it on yousendit
its just a 300 kb .rar file so could someone please help me check it out. im desperate…
the link is : [COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR]