Hey, i’m new to the forum, and i’m pretty new to flash, i have a basic knowledge of how stuff works and i know my way around, but i know nout about actionscript and i’m not very good at motion tweening. Long story short, i have to create a flash website by the 1st of September…not going to be easy, which is why i need your help. It’s going to be a portfolio of my film and photography work, and i know what i’d like to do but just don’t know how to do it. The best examples i can find are on http://www.jeremycowart.com/ firstly, the boxes on the frontpage that glow blue when you rollover them, secondly, the main menu within the actual website itself and the way in which the text glows when you rollover it, and finally, the photo navigation method, in which clicking a side of the screen rolls through the photos. I’d appreciate if you guys could help me out by either pointing me in the direction of, or writing yourselves, some tutorials which could help me out with doing this sort of thing, it’s kinda urgent so the sooner the better thanks a bunch if you lot come through, godspeed, Musername.