in the tutorial: Game:how to fire, how can I do that if the fire hit for exmple…in monster I draw…so how can I do that if the fire Hit the monster, the monster do a little movie I did and right after that he disappear from the movie?
Well… Whatever the instance names given to the bullets are…
fire1… etc… For instances… Inside of the main movieclip to control these bullets you wnat to have a hittest going on…
for(x=0; x<numMonstersOnScreen; x++)
if(_root["monster"+x].hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)
Give that a whirl… For every monster on screen… It’ll test if that current bullet hits the monster or not… And if it does… It’ll play the movie inside of that monster… By using that #.
In the actual movie at the very end of it dissappearing you will wnat to put a this.removeMovieClip();
thanks! But…it’s Hard to to me to understand what you wrote…
I just 13.5 years old…(Dont laugh! lol)
so…you can pls Do a little game and upload him?
I would but my sheer attention is devoted on a couple of sites I need to finish… I apologize for this… Perhaps someone on the forums could help you…
And I also only have my example of shooting… Which is different from Kirupa’s
ok, thanks anyway…
someone else can help me pls?