[U]**ATTENTION! This problem was solved simply by applying myself to the goal, testing, and going with my gut. I apologize for posting this but hopefully it might help some people.
To fix my problem I simple put the duplicate actions on a different layer and then changed the variables and instance information. Thanks a lot.
I’m trying to use the “Applying and Animating Filter Effects” tutorial and it was extremely simple and easy. I applied it to my movie clip, but I’d like to apply it to more then one. For some reason, when I duplicate the movie clip, give it a new Instance Name, duplicate the filter effect animation actionscript and change the instance name in there to the new one and change the variables, instead of doing the same thing as the first movie clip it continues glowing larger and larger forever untill it dissapears. When I take my mouse off the new movie clip the glow increase stop, but doesn’t go back down, and when I point at it again after that it just continues glowing larger again.
Please help me, thank you so much.