Help with array and loops

Hi, I’ve got 4 menubuttons: homeBut, aboutBut, portBut and contBut that I’m adding a rollover command to. If I write all of it out as below it works correctly. Obviously this isn’t the way to do it so I’ve used an array and for loop to duplicate this process. However, when I compile the .fla the rollovers dont work. I thought I had my head around loops, vars and arrays but apparently not. Any help in what I’m doing wrong would be appreciated.

Below is the bloated, redundant code that works followed by the array/loop code that doesn’t.

[SIZE=“1”][COLOR=“Sienna”]// Main Menu: Rollover
/*this.menuMC.homeBut.onRollOver = this.menuMC.homeBut.onDragOver = function() {

this.menuMC.aboutBut.onRollOver = this.menuMC.aboutBut.onDragOver = function() {

this.menuMC.portBut.onRollOver = this.menuMC.portBut.onDragOver = function() {

this.menuMC.contBut.onRollOver = this.menuMC.contBut.onDragOver = function() {

This is the code that doesn’t work:

[SIZE=“1”][COLOR=“Sienna”]var butType = [“homeBut”, “aboutBut”, “portBut”, “contBut”];
var butTxt = [“homeTxt”, “aboutTxt”, “portTxt”, “contTxt”];
var i;
var j;

for (var i=0; i<butType*.length; i++) {
this.menuMC.butType*.onRollOver = this.menuMC.butType*.onDragOver = function() {
for (var j=0; j<butTxt*.length; j++) {