hey guys once again im calling the flash gods:
heres whats going on: ive got an mc which contains the email form shown in the tutorial here in kirupa.
the mc is called formMC. i’ve exported it for AS with the name exportedForm.
im loading it into an empty movieclip in the main timeline (_root) called containerMC. now the actual textfield inside the formMC clip is called Form. it all sorta works, when you hit send it actually sends an email BUT it is not reading the variables, meaning the email comes in blank.
i think the problem has to do with the target.
since the mc is being attached to an empty container i dont really know WHAT to target neither with teh send button nor the script that goes inside the form.
one of the multiple ways ive done is the following but none of them are working!!! arghghg
send button script:
on (release){
_root.(attachedmovie instance name).(textfield mc name).loadvariables (etcetc)
form script:
// go to thanks for the feedback in the mc that contains the form textfields
_root.(attachedmovie instance name).gotoAndStop (2);
thanks in advance for the help and i hope this isnt way too confusing