Help with attachMovie

hello everyone…first time posting here… :ne:

[COLOR=red]// [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]boring introduction[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff0000]I’m 21 years-old, female. Just about a month ago started with flash (I fiddled with it a few years back, not as seriously). My job is doing power point presentations and now also flash projects. I’m a fast learner, especially when t comes to graphics and graphic design. umm… and that’s about it.[/COLOR]
I’m relatively new to flash, so bear with me…:slight_smile:

okay, my problem is this…

I’m doing a flash project andI used the attachMovie method…after the clip I want to is played…how do I remove it from inside the atached movie? - is it even possible?

[COLOR=magenta]btw, I’m using flash professional 8.[/COLOR]

what I have is a list - each time i press an item in the list the relevant movie clip slides in, the movie clip stops at a certain point, and it to closes with a little boxed x (like in the top right corner of most windows and applications) - I have the animation and everything…and when I press the x thingy the window slides out but I want the attached movie clip to be removed afterwards (after it slides out).
normally I wouldn’t mind just replacing it with another attachMovie method (because I understood that if you use the same depth on two attached movies they replace one another)…but for some reason part of the movie clip stays on stage, visible…and it can’t stay there until another list item is clicked…

So my question is…can I remove a movie clip (after using the attachMovie method) from inside the attached movie clip?

One more thing, I’m using the attachMovie instead of just using and animating everything on stage beacause the whole thing has to be dynamic…and the list is subject to change…

sorry if I’m a too messy writer …hope you get the picture…

thanks for any help… :puzzled: