If i have a movie clip that plays when the mouse is over a button, how do i get it to stop at a point while the mouse is over the button, but then play another part of the clip when the user moves the mouse away from the button?
[AS]on (rollOver){
on (rollOut){
Just make sure to have a stop() action on frame 1, and the frame right before the out effect.
[edit]oh yeah, and you could use frame labels instead of numbers so it would be easier[/edit]
do i just put the movieclip on the scene over the button, or inside the button, on the “over” frame? and also, do i put the script on the movieclip, or on a frame of the movieclip?
put the script on the button action… you can put the movieclip wherever u want except inside the button… don’t forget to edit “clip” in the action according to your movieclips location…
I’m stumped. Here’s the .fla if someone could help me out. The button is there, “home.” The movieclip is named “homemc.”
Please help oh great masters of flash.
can you zip the file or upload here? because your server’s upload is 1kb/s …
that download was going to slow sry
1.04 kbps on a cable modem? ridiculous, try web1000
yeah sorry…here ya go…
ahh, much better, i’ll post back if i made any progress
i think this is the effect you wanted
In case you’re wondering why the FLA size has been reduced dramatically…
Originally posted by senocular
[SIZE=3]- Reduce FLA size[/SIZE]
Director has and has had a save feature called “Save and Compact” which resaves the file your working on in a way that ditches any unneeded library references from deleted objects and things of the such. Flash doesnt have this option, though that operation simliar to the save and compact feature in Director is performed with Flash files when you File > Save As… to a new file. So should you need to squeeze out the extras of your FLA (good if you plan to upload it and share it on the web) do a save as first so that you can reduce the file size of a possibly bloated FLA.
*Originally posted by kax *
In case you’re wondering why the FLA size has been reduced dramatically… **
i couldn’t belive the filesize when i downloaded the file:eye: