Hey All,
I need some help with a image fadein random rotator. I am using the Crossfading slide show which uses a XML file to randomly rotate images.
It works perfectly however I would like to link specific jpg images and maybe even add alt tags to each image.
Can this be done just by adding some code to the XML file? If so what would I add? Or does the Flash AS code need to be changed too?
Thanks for your help on this!
Here is the XML code:
‘timer’ :: number of seconds between each image transition
‘order’ :: how you want your images displayed. choose either ‘sequential’ or ‘random’
‘looping’ :: if the slide show is in sequential mode, this stops the show at the last image (use ‘yes’ for looping, ‘no’ for not)
‘fadeTime’ :: velocity of image crossfade. Increment for faster fades, decrement for slower. Approximately equal to seconds.
‘xpos’ :: _x position of all loaded clips (0 is default)
‘ypos’ :: _y position of all loaded clips (0 is default)
<gallery timer=“10” order=“random” fadetime=“2” looping=“yes” xpos=“0” ypos=“0” standalone=“yes”>
<image path=“images/1.jpg” />
<image path=“images/2.jpg” />
<image path=“images/3.jpg” />
<image path=“images/4.jpg” />
<image path=“images/5.jpg” />
<image path=“images/6.jpg” />