Help with duplicate mc

ello… can anyone point to me…where to put the set interval in this below code if i wanna make the duplicate one bye one…i mean after it finished duplicate one and proceed duplicate 2nd after second…and so on…is it possible…i’ve tried put the set interval code but it’s seem not work at all…the example code are below…

bil = 1;  
for (j=0; j  < 4; j ++) {
	  	for (i=0; i < 4; i ++) {
	  	     duplicateMovieClip(theMask, "theMask"+bil, bil);
		     setProperty("theMask"+bil, _x, (i * 100));  
		     setProperty("theMask"+bil, _y, (j * 100)); 
 	             bil ++;  

really need help…


you need quotes around the first instance i.e.

duplicateMovieClip(theMask, “theMask”+bil, bil);

everything else looks more or less functional, though slightly confusing :wink:

tq for the reply 3rdeye…i just attempt to make a simple masking…i just curios is it possible to make a duplicate the maskermc one by one…with set interval function…herein i attach teh fla file for ur view…or anyone can figure out for me…