Help with dynamic list

ok I am making a game and need a little help with making a item list.
Here is the code

function itembagup() {
for (var j:Number = 0; j<=_root.itembag.length-1; j++) {
curr_item = game.clip.createEmptyMovieClip(“itemhold”+j, 100001+j);
obj = curr_item.attachMovie(“itemuse”, “itemuse”+j, 100001+j);
obj._y = obj._height*j;
curr_item.trackAsMenu = true;
object = itembag[j];
objvar = itembagvarp[j];
obj.onPress = function() {
curr_item.removeMovieClip(); += objvar;
_root.hp += objvar;

The list works as far as the creating and attaching but only the last mc attached holds the info from the two arrays. I need a way to when a mc is attached it hold the info from the arrays until it is removed. also is there a way to remove in item from any position in an array I know about pop and shift but what if you want to remove an item in the third slot of a five item array? anyway any help would be appreciated.

well to answer one question really quick, and i’ll look at the other code later you can use, delete myarray[3], to get rid of that item