Help with dynamic scrollers

hi there, i have got the following code, which i have found on this forum somewhere, now it does almost exactically what i need it to do.

What i need the code to do is get the size of the dynamic textfield and scroll it, the code finds a number and scrolls it but it doesnt scroll the hole box. The text is loaded in from a .txt file. here is the code

//loading in the text
myData = new LoadVars()
myData.onLoad = function(succes){
    _root.main.textarea.multiline = true;
    _root.main.textarea.wordWrap = true;
    _root.main.textarea.autoSize = "left";
    _root.main.textarea = this.scrolltext;

//the scroller
var space = 20;
var friction = 0.9;
var speed = 10;
var y = dragger._y;
var top = main._y;
var bottom = - (main._y+mask_mc._height+main._height-space);
dragger.onPress = function () {
    drag = true;
    this.startDrag (false, this._x, this._parent.y, this._x, this._parent.y + - this._height);
    dragger.scrollEase ();

dragger.onMouseUp = function () {
    this.stopDrag ();
    drag = false;

bar.onPress = function () {
    drag = true;
    if (this._parent._ymouse > this._y + this._height - this._parent.dragger._height) {
        this._parent.dragger._y = this._parent._ymouse;
        this._parent.dragger._y = this._y + this._height - this._parent.dragger._height;
    } else {
        this._parent.dragger._y = this._parent._ymouse;
    dragger.scrollEase ();

bar.onMouseUp = function () {
    drag = false;

moveDragger = function (d) {
    if ((dragger._y >= y + bar._height - dragger._height && d == 1) || (dragger._y <= y && d == -1)) {
        clearInterval (myInterval);
    } else {
        dragger._y += d;
        dragger.scrollEase ();
        updateAfterEvent ();

up_btn.onPress = function () {
    myInterval = setInterval (moveDragger, 18, -1);

down_btn.onPress = function () {
    myInterval = setInterval (moveDragger, 18, 1);

up_btn.onMouseUp = down_btn.onMouseUp = function () {
    clearInterval (myInterval);

MovieClip.prototype.scrollEase = function () {
    this.onEnterFrame = function () {
        if (Math.abs (dy) == 0 && drag == false) {
            delete this.onEnterFrame;
        r = (this._y - y) / (bar._height - this._height);
        dy = Math.round ((((top - (top - bottom) * r) - main._y) / speed) * friction);
        main._y += dy;

thank you for your help