Help with dynamic text

i followed the tutorial and got some other advice. I can load the text from a text file till later in my movie. i have 8 different areas of information but there is no text shown in the last two even though the actionscript is identical. the link is if anyone can help i can add the fla
this is the gist of the actionscript given to me:
loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
_root.mc_07.text01.text = this.myWater;
can anyone help?
still lost:(

your site seems fine to me (except the url you posted =)), where does it not load right ?

sorry yes should be
it doesn’t show any text in the interactive part and the graphic design part(3 sections and 2 sections respectively), i checked the code and it is the same as the other part as well as the text file… i need actionscript put in my head with a hammer i think
cheers for the help:m:

can’t really make out what you are talking about…of course its been a long day at work…but i love the colors of your site…

and also when the movie slides in from the side…just as it is stopping…it kind of stutter steps…might want to look at the script for that