Hi all!
Just hit a roadblock-- I’ve got my main timeline with a nav that opens up external .swfs in an empty movieclip on the main stage, and that works wonderfully, but WITHIN those .swfs I’m trying to loadMovie separate .swfs for each button that opens up an input text box that dominates the screen.]
When I loadMovie, I load it into an empty mc not on the main timeline, but on the loaded swf’s timeline, so when I test the .swf, not the main timeline, it plays the nested .swf within this swf, but then when I test the main document, when I click the button it doesn’t pull it up.
I initially tried to just do it with movieclips inside the swf, but they didn’t overlap one another and I couldn’t figure it out so I thought loadMovie would work better.
I’m assuming it has something to do with levels, and I’ve been scouring the forums for something that helps but I can’t pinpoint it. ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED! =)