Could someone help me please? I have a flash and php based mail form that needs to have the fields verified. So when a user does not insert info in the text fields, an error clip will play. The form works fine without the verification of fields, but I want to prevent from receiving blank emails.
The form is created in 2 parts or tutorials since I’m trying to add field verification or error
message. Here are the links of the tutorials. and the next link is for the field verification.
I’m using CS3 with AS1 and 2. Here is my original AS without the verification.
var senderLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var receiveLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
submit2.onRelease = function() {
senderLoad.name2 = name2.text;
senderLoad.email2 = email2.text;
senderLoad.address2 = address2.text;
senderLoad.phone2 = phone2.text;
receiveLoad.onLoad = function() {
if(this.sentOK) {
else {
Any help is MUCH Appreciated Thanks. I would upload the form document but it seems to be too large for attachments.