Help with flash chat room

this is a cry for help for any one who has suffered defeat time and time again at gettign somethign to work.

flash chat rooms i dont get it.
ive dipped my hand in everything. from digital arts, to C++ to advance photoshop filters, to 3ds max, to html and lingo and ofcourse acctionscript.

but i just dont get it.
i have been trying to make a basic online flash cat room for over a year now (by that i mean i trued doing one a year ago, failed and never tried it again until a few days ago)

but as any of you know a few days trying to make somethign work is hugly frustrating.
a few days ago, i never understood mysql (im no master now) but as soon as (with the users help on this fine forum) i made a mysql database work. i got the concept.
and i kinda get the concept of this flash chat.

now the bottom line is, i am absolutly sick and absolutly tired of trying to get this to work (anyone who has been in a similar situation im sure feels my pain, of constant frustration, confussion and failure).

so to what i am asking for.
<a href=“”></a>

thats the tutorial i am doing.

my server is on

so, what am i meant to put on my server. what am i meant to change in the code. i understand the local host should be changed, but i would of thought my localhost would be my website
but that doesnt work.

ive looked at everything, and ive read everything. and i simply dont get it. by everythign, i mean on flash chat rooms and servers, not everything ever concieved or written.

i just want to know exactly what to do, then when it finially works, i can take that information and expand it.

also, i dont know if its my host? does it allow socket connections? it doesnt say. so trying ages to get it to work of freehostia, could only lead to more frustration.

please help me, im very very much comtimplating giving up and never looking in to online interaction and communication (and as a designer i think its becoming more and more important).