Help with flash/XML file

Hello I am a beginner to intermediate flash user…still lots to learn in actionscript and just learning xml.

I found a cool menu that I’d like to be able to use but right now I don’t know how to make the buttons become functional links.

Can someone tell me if its just a matter of editing the XML only? Or…does something need to be added to the actionscipt as well. I have a hunch both need to be edited and I have already tried various revisions.

If possible please let me know what code I need to use to make it work.

Below is the link where the example and files can be found.


Be aware that if you try to use the actual files you will need an mc tween extension found at [COLOR=#800080][/COLOR]

Here is the XML code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<item nazov="button num 1 "load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 2" load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 3" load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 4" load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 5" load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 6" load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 7 "load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 8" load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 9" load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 10" load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 11" load="" image=""/>
<item nazov="button num 12" load="" image=""/>

ANd Here is the actionscript

function goFrame(mc):Void {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (mc._currentframe < mc._totalframes) {
mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (mc._currentframe == mc._totalframes) {
delete mc.onEnterFrame;
function backFrame(mc):Void {
delete mc.onEnterFrame;
mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (mc._currentframe == 1) {
delete mc.onEnterFrame;
this._lockroot = true;
menu1XML = new XML();
menu1XML.ignoreWhite = true;
menu1XML.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
keyNode = menu1XML.childNodes;
pocet = keyNode.length;
_global.mnozstvo1 = pocet;
_global.riadok1 = 16;
for (i = 0; i < pocet; i++) 
button.duplicateMovieClip('b' + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
b = _root['b' + i];
b.i = i;
b._y += i * _global.riadok1;
b.text2.text = menu1XML.childNodes*.attributes.nazov;
b.text1.text = menu1XML.childNodes*.attributes.nazov;
_global.selecionado = 0;
b.onRollOver = function() 
var ID = this._y;
var som:Sound = new Sound();
b.onRollOut = function() 
b.onRelease = function() 
_global.selecionado = this.i;
this.enabled = false;
this.useHandCursor = false;
_parent._parent._parent.content.tween("_y",175,1," EaseOutExpo");
_parent._parent._parent.content.headcon.headert.te xt = "AHOJ"; 
_global.section = menu1XML.childNodes[this.i].attributes.load;
function fcn() 
for (i = 0; i < pocet; i++) 
if (i != selecionado) 
_root['b' + i].enabled = true;
_root['b' + i].useHandCursor = true;
backFrame(_root['b' + i]);
this.onEnterFrame = function() 
var pctLoaded:Number = Math.floor(menu1XML.getBytesLoaded() / menu1XML.getBytesTotal() * 100);
if (!isNaN(pctLoaded)) 
pointer._xscale = pctLoaded;
pointer.text = pctLoaded + "% loaded";
if (pctLoaded >= 100) 
delete this.onEnterFrame;

Thank you so much for any help…I’ve exhausted my other resources.