Help with Form Conversion

I’ve decided that I need to take a plunge into the exciting world of forms and flash, and thought this would be my first good project to do. I host my site on a system that has a custom login script that works wonderfully as is. I want to convert this over to a flash version to provide to the hsphere community that uses a similar login script. A great quick walkthrough of converting this to work with flash would be a real help.

If Request.Form("submit") <> "" then
  ' Enter your list of control panels in the
  ' following array
  ' Enter as many URL's as you require seperated by commas
  Dim arrControlPanelURL
  arrControlPanelURL = Array("") 

  ' setup other miscellaneous variables
  Dim strUserName, strUserPassword, strURL, strPostURL, i, bolLogin, strErrorMsg
  strErrorMsg = ""
  strUserName = trim(Request.Form("login"))
  strUserPassword = trim(Request.Form("password"))
  strPostURL = "/psoft/servlet/psoft.hsphere.CP?action=login&ftemplate=design/login.html"

  '			Here comes the real work !
  ' For each control panel in the array try and log the user on
  ' check for error conditions etc, if successful then log
  ' the user into their contorl panel.
  Dim objXMLHTTP, strReturn
  Set objXMLHTTP = SErver.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

  For i = 0 to ubound(arrControlPanelURL)
	strURL = arrControlPanelURL(i) & strPostURL & "&login=" & strUserName & "&password=" & strUserPassword
	objXMLHTTP.Open "POST", strURL , False
	strReturn = objXMLHTTP.ResponseText

	If instr(1, strReturn, "invalid password", 1) > 0 then ' Correct Password ?
	  strErrorMsg = "Incorrect password, please try again."
	  Exit For ' get the heck out of here
	End If
	If Instr(1, strReturn, "no such user", 1) = 0 then ' Find the User ?
	  bolLogin = True
	  strErrorMsg = ""
	  Exit For ' no point hanging around any longer
	  bolLogin = False
	  strErrorMsg = "Username not found, please try again."
	End if

  Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing

  If bolLogin then
	strReturn = Replace(strReturn, "/psoft/", arrControlPanelURL(i) & "/psoft/")
	Dim intStart, intEnd, intLength
	intStart = instr(1, strReturn, "URL=", 1)
	intStart = intStart + 4
	intEnd = instr(intStart, strReturn, """", 1)
	intLength = intEnd - intStart - 1 ' remove extra char to cater for the trailing "/"
	strURL = Mid(strReturn, intStart, intLength) & "?action=login&ftemplate=design/login.html&login=" & strUserName & "&password=" & strUserPassword	
	Response.Redirect strURL
  End if

End if
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <title>Control Panel Login</title>
  <style type="text/css">
	table	   {border : 1px solid #000000;
				  background-color : #CCCCCC;}  
	td		  {font : 11px Verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;}
	.input	  {border : 1px Solid #000000;
				  color : #000000;
				  background : #EEEEEE;
				 font : 12px Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;}		
	.button	 {border-bottom : #404040 1px solid; 
				 border-left : #999999 1px solid; 
				 border-right : #404040 1px solid; 
				 border-top : #999999 1px solid;
				  background : #EEEEEE;
				  color : #000000;
				  font : 11px tahoma,sans-serif;
				  height : 20px;
				 letter-spacing : 1px;}		 
<body bgcolor="#666666">

<form method="post" action="">
<table summary="" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" align="center">
	<td colspan="2" align="center" nowrap><strong>.:: CONTROL PANEL LOGIN ::.</strong></td> 
	<td colspan="2" align="center" nowrap><em><% = strErrorMsg %></em></td>   
	<td align="right"><strong>Login:</strong></td>
	<td><input class="input" type="text" name="login" size="20"></td>	
	<td align="right"><strong>Password:</strong></td>
	<td><input class="input" type="password" name="password" size="20"></td>	
	  <input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="Log In">&nbsp;
	  <input class="button" type="reset" name="reset" value="Clear Info">
