Help with full flash site

Okay I was following the tutorial. And while the tutorial worked, mine is not. I am running mx on a Mac. I have my home page working the way I want. However, when I go to click to load the next clip in the movie layer, it has an error loading the movie. My script is the same as the tutorial, other than the file names of course. Is there something that I am missing? I have the links as buttons, the movie instance name is “contents”, the .swf file is in the same folder as the .fla file I am trying to get to load the .swf file. Please help…Please!

do you mind posting the .fla ?

okay, I have got it figured out for the most part. Now I have another question. When I upload the site, how do my variables change, if at all? Do I make a completely separate folder. Do I need to reference the movies via a url in some way. Any help with how to upload them would be great. I just use a drag and drop to my server. For those that are interested. BTW, thanks for your help

bumping…Come on. I know that some of you know how to upload a site. I have yet to get it to work out right. I want to upload my sample so that I might get some help on another issue I am having with the site. Thanks.

when using external movies, it best to keep the externals with the main movie that calls the externals. so i would just drop and drag into the server.

are you putting your swf in a html page or are you publishing it with a html page in flash?

I am using Go Live to use its HTML instead of flash’s. When I am referencing the movie, I am not doing something right, because nothing is coming up on the net when I try to view it after an upload, not even the index site, which is weird, that should at least work. As for the code, I am using _root.contents.loadMovie(“web address and file.swf”); if this is wrong could you perhaps help me out? I appreciate the reply.

shouldnt you be adding the swf movie in one of the html pages?

i am guessing you have a index page, enter site

then you enter the site to a swf movie. right?

i have a flash in the index. And then I have a movie that should change the contents when a link is chosen. However, not a single part of the site is working. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, as long as I keep the files locally, they work, then when I upload them they dont. Not sure of what I am doing. I guess I will buy a book. Any suggestions on a good one for MX on the Mac??

okay, finally figured out what I was doing wrong. Here is the site I have been working on. I know it needs a lot of work, this is not a site check, really. Okay, the only link that works the way I want is the DVD Authoring link. The others go to my original idea for the site. I will fix that once I figure out how to do the effect that I want. Basically, when I click on the DVD link, I would like for the opening bars to close and then load the new content. I am not sure how to keep the old content while the new movie loads, and then get it to load the new movie. Does that make sense? if not I will try to explain more. Basically, I want the action sequence when clicking on a new page to keep the current info loaded in the center until the bars cover up the old info, then open back up with the new page and info. Please help me.

first you might need to put a hitstate on your buttons , or make it bigger if you already have one.

:the effect you want to attempt is not hard but hard to understand straight of the bat, i ve got a fla , which is what you kinda want to do, check it out , study it.

hope this helps :smirk:

if anyone else knows a easier ways, please post them :slight_smile:

wow, that is pretty complex. I keep getting lost in it. I will look at it more tomorrow to see if i can dissect it…I have a feeling that I am going to have some probs. My site is not as complicated as your sample. All of my site is in the first frame, then the movies are all in their own timeline. I will ask more in depth questions tomorrow as I try to implement this effect in my site. I hope I do okay. Thanks for all of your help though, I truly do appreciate it. I didn’t realize what I was getting myself into.hehe. Now to get this done, and not fall behind in my homework is the key.:slight_smile: