hey i am currently trying out making my first game (see “getting started”) but i was wonderin if somone could give me a link to a platform shooter fla file, just so i can see how the code works for a few things, don worry im not gonna scab ur game but im a bit stumped on, well alot actually, the jumping, collision, and damage, especially damage, i hav made somthin b4 where i (the character)lol) get shot and thake damage but the health just goes back to full
dont worry about the last thing i just figured that out
WOAH! you’re trying to make a platform shooter for your first game… you must be really ambitious… good luck.
My first game was a 1st person shooter… I’d upload it but I don’t know how and even if I did… it’s… kinda big… I’d have to strip it of all its music and that extra stuff…
But if you need any help on certain flash concepts than I’d be glad to help…
If you have AIM contact me at “Japan is evil” (Yes… that IS my screenname).
My MSN: baiwanfuong@hotmail.com
I agree. Hey Zach, you may want to start out with something easier. I started out with making an RPG, but I had hardly the right knowledge. a pong game might be a good place to start.
maybe ur right