I’m having some issues with Senocular’s very excellent tute. I haven’t been able to search and find someone else this has happened to.
I’m ok reading in data from XML, but storing it just ain’t working.
I downloaded his “News Editor” and I find I can edit and put new articles in it, but if I hit “Refresh”, it says “No news available.” and indeed at any point (even if it is displaying some news articles I have put there) the “Open XML” only says**[FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#ff0000] “[/COLOR][/FONT]**[COLOR=#0000ff]<[/COLOR][COLOR=#990000]news[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]/>[/COLOR]”, and I check the actual file and this is what is there.
To me it seems that its somehow just creating a temporary XML file someplace, which gets echoed by the php, but does not actually get saved.
Can anyone help me out on this one, I don’t even know where to start!
PS I found that the examples embedded in the tutorial would not save data for me either.