Help with javascript, jquery

Please see the code below, the image is visible only sometime, what is wrong with the script, thanks.

<script src=“” type=“text/javascript” charset=“utf-8”></script>

        &lt;script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

       &lt;style type="text/css" media="screen"&gt;

                    #meerkat-wrapper {

                     width: 940px;

                       margin: 0 auto;


                    .ody-skin .ody-custom .footer-container div.ad_940x90 {width:100%}

                   .close-meerkat {

                         position: absolute;

                         display: block;

                         padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;

                         font-family: arial, sans-serif;

                         font-size: 0.875em;

                        line-height: 10.8px;

                         text-decoration: none;

                         cursor: pointer;

                         z-index: 100003;


                     a.close-meerkat:link {color: #000; background-color: #cccccc; font-weight: bold;}

                     .dont-show {

                         position: absolute;

                         display: block;

                         width: 80px;

                         padding: 0 1px 2px 2px;

                         background-color: #cccccc;

                         font-family: arial narrow, sans-serif;

                         font-size: 0.705em;

                         text-decoration: none;

                         cursor: pointer;

                         z-index: 100002;

                         line-height: 10.8px;



                            a.dont-show:hover {color:#FFF;}

                 .meerkat {

                        position: relative;

                        display: none;

                        z-index: 100000;





                    display: block;

                    position: absolute;

                    top: 10px;

                    height: 65px; 

                    bottom: 15px;

                    width: 890px;

                    z-index: 1; 


              .pos-bot .close-meerkat {right: 2px; top: 2px;}

                     .pos-bot .dont-show {right: 0px; top: 78px;}



         &lt;!-- CHANGE FILE NAME AND PATH TO AD FILE BELOW BEGINNING AT background: 'url(\' --&gt;



       &lt;script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"&gt;



                  background:'url(\'\') repeat-x left top',

                  height: '90px',

                  width: '940px',

                  position: 'bottom',

                  close: '.close-meerkat',

                  dontShowAgain: '.dont-show',

                  animationIn: 'fade',

                  animationSpeed: 500,

                  removeCookie: '.reset'





                 height: '90px',

                 width: '940px',

                 position: 'bottom',

                 close: '.close-meerkat',

                 dontShowAgain: '.dont-show',

                 animationIn: 'slide',        

                  animationSpeed: 500,

                 removeCookie: '.reset'




                 return false;



                         if(navigator.platform == 'iPad' || navigator.platform == 'iPhone' || navigator.platform == 'iPod') 


 $("#meerkat-wrapper").css("position", "static"); 



        &lt;div id="meerkat-wrapper"&gt;

<div class=“meerkat”>

<a href=“ADCLICK” class=“click-through” target="_blank"></a>

   &lt;a href="#" class="close-meerkat"&gt;x&lt;/a&gt;

            &lt;a class="dont-show"&gt;Don't Show Again&lt;/a&gt;   
