Help with jumping in platform game

I’m using this code for my character: Why isn’t my jumping working?

onClipEvent (load) {
jumping = true;
// jumping is true
speed = 0;
// speed is 0
////Ammendment 1//
healthX =;
//sets healthX to the starting X postition of the “health” MC
scoreX = _root.score._x;
//sets scoreX to the starting X postition of the “score” MC
Xpos = this._x;
//sets Xpos to the starting X postition of this MC
Ypos = this._y;
//sets Ypos to the starting Y postition of this MC
maxmove = 15;
// maxmove is fifteen(max run seed)
_root.maxshoottime = 100;
// _root.maxshoottime is set to 100
// this is how far you want the bullets to travel before deleting
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
////Ammendment 2//
_x = Xpos-_root._x;
//sets the X pos to the starting X postition of this MC
_root.score._x = scoreX-_root._x;
//sets the scire MCs X pos to its starting point on the screen = healthX-_root._x;
//sets the health MCs X pos to its starting point on the screen
if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && !jumping) {
// if NOT hitting X and Y postion with the ground and NOT jumping
this._y += 6;
// Y positon moves up 6
if (!_root.shooting) {
// if _root.shooting is false
_root.timer = 0;
// _root.timer is set to 0
_root.mvsp = _xscale/20;
// _root.mvsp is set to the chars xscale divided by 20
// the answer to this is the speed of the bullets
if (_root.dead) {
// if dead is true
// goto and stop on the “dead” frame
} else {
// otherwise (if they are not dead)
speed *= .85;
// speed is multiplied by .85
// the lower the faster is slows
if (dir == “right” && !_root.leftblock.hitTest(this._x+20, this._y, true)) { += speed;
// moves the health, the opposite way to the _root
_root.score._x += speed;
// moves the score, the opposite way to the _root
this._x += speed;
// moves the char, the opposite way to the _root
_root._x -= speed;
// moves the _root
////Ammendment 3//
if (speed>0) {
//if speed is smaller than 0
dir = “right”;
// the variable dir is set to right
} else if (speed<0) {
//if speed is greater than 0
dir = “left”;
// the var dir is set to left
if (dir == “left” && !_root.rightblock.hitTest(this._x-20, this._y, true)) { += speed;
// moves the health, the opposite way to the _root
_root.score._x += speed;
// moves the score, the opposite way to the _root
this._x += speed;
// moves the char, the opposite way to the _root
_root._x -= speed;
// moves the _root
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
// if left is pressed
if (speed>-maxmove) {
// if the speed is greater than neg. maxmove
// speed goes lower
// goto and stop the run frame
this._xscale = -100;
// scale is set to neg. 100
// this is what rotates ur char
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
// otherwise if right is pressed
if (speed<maxmove) {
// if the speed is smaller than maxmove
// speed goes up
this._xscale = 100;
// scale is set to 100
// this is what rotates ur char
// goto and stop the run frame
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
// otherwise if control is pressed
// goto and stop the attack frame
attacking = true;
// attacking is true
speed = 0;
// speed is set to 0
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
// otherwise if space is pressed
if (_root.gotgun == true && !_root.shooting) {
// if _root.gotgun is true(they have the gun) and _root.shooting is false
_root.attachMovie(“bullet”, “bulleter”, 1, {_x:_root.char._x, _y:_root.char._y-25});
// attach the movie with the Linkage name “bullet” to the _root at the character X position and the Y position minus 25
_root.shooting = true;
// _root.shooting is set true
with (_root.bulleter) {
// all code below this code and it’s closer refer to _root.bulleter
onEnterFrame = function () {
// setting the onEnterFrame events (onClipEvent)
if (_root.timer>_root.maxshoottime) {
// if _root.timer is smaller than _root.maxshoottime
_root.shooting = false;
// shooting is false
// this movie clip is unloaded
// _root.timer goes up 1
_x += _root.mvsp;
// the X goes up _root.mvsp (which is set constantly and stays the same when shooting.) };
attacking = true;
// attacking is true
speed = 0;
// speed is set to 0
// goto and stop on the shoot frame
} else if (speed<1 && speed>-1 && !attacking) {
// if speed is smaller than one and greater than neg. 1
speed = 0;
// speed is set to 0
// gotoAndStop the idle frame
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP) && !jumping) {
// if up is pressed and NOT jumping
jumping = true;
// jumping is set true
if (jumping) {
// if jumping is true
this._y -= jump;
// Y position is set down jump
jump -= .5;
// jump is set down .5
if (jump<0) {
// if jump is smaller than 0
falling = true;
// falling is true
if (jump<-15) {
// if jump is smaller than neg. 5
jump = -15;
// jump is set to neg 5
// capping fall speeds prevents falling through grounds
if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && falling) {
// if hitting X an Y postions with the ground and falling
jump = 12;
// jump is set to 9
jumping = false;
// jumping is false
falling = false;
// falling is false
onClipEvent (keyUp) {
// on Key Up
if (Key.getCode() == Key.CONTROL) {
// if the release is control
attacking = false;
// attacking is false
onClipEvent (load) {
vel_y = 0;
//this will be used for his jumping velocoty//
started = true;
//this will be required when we make his movement//
jumping = false;
//this will be required when we make his jumping//
xspeed = 5;
//this is his movement speed//
//and this commands him to hault on his standing sequence (asuming that you made his standing sequence on his first frame)//