Help with loading swf into a holder_mc

Hi guys,

I am building a website (AS2) that has a portfolio section made up of a series of .swf’s embeded in each other.

Here is the basic architecture:

Main site with a holder_main movieclip that has the following code to load the next section:

var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var myListener:Object = new Object ();

The next section is a portfolio section made up of a holder_mc movieclip and another movieclip with scrollable thumbnails (buttons) that will be used to call the swf’s to load in the holder_mc. The thumbs are inside a content mc which in turn is inside the scroller MC with the masks, scrollbar etc…

Here is the code for the buttons to load into the holder_mc:

on (Release) {

This code works perfectly when I test it inside flash, but when I test it on any browser (swf nested in html document,** not preview in browser**) it does not work and it is driving me crazy.

If I take the button outside of the content & scroller movieclip’s and throw it on the main timeline it seems to work perfectly both in flash and the browser when I change the AS to:

on (Release) {
loadMovie("Flash/Portfolio/Test2.swf", "holder_mc");

I assumed that using _root would do the same thing from inside the scroller movieclip…

I would really appreciate it if anybody could point out any reasons why this is happening…

Thanks in advance!