I have a web page where clicking a button in one swf causes another swf to replace itself with another swf (via loadMovie). When that button is pressed I also want the swf where the button was pressed to replace itself (again via loadMovie). The code below is what is used in the sending swf.
on (press) {
talkingLC = new LocalConnection();
talkingLC.send(“simple_lc”, “comeBack”, next_swf);
talkingLC.onStatus = function(result) {
if (result.level == “error”) {
next_swf = “Connection failed!”;
movie_to_load = this_next_swf;
As is the code above will only replace the sending file.
If I take out the line belpw from the above code it will send the name of the file that should replace the file doing the receiving and the file doing the receiving IS replaced as it should be, however the file doing the sending is not replaced (as is my intention) becasue the lines of code that triggered that have been removed as mentioned in THIS paragraph.
movie_to_load = this_next_swf;
This has led me to believe that localConnect can only perform one task at any one sending or perhaps is only capable of replacing one file on a page and not more than that. Logic says that what is shown in the first piece of code should work!
Any suggestions please! Thanks! JD