I want to make a draggable movie clip with an input text box in it. It’s going to be a “Make your own comic” game, where you can type in the speach bubbles what you want the characters to say. I can’t seem to get it to work right, help?!
I want to make a draggable movie clip with an input text box in it. It’s going to be a “Make your own comic” game, where you can type in the speach bubbles what you want the characters to say. I can’t seem to get it to work right, help?!
how asre we supposed to help you?
you havent given us any substance, just the very basic BASIC gist of what your trying to achieve! :h:
try explaining how far youve got, what problems your having, why tou think it may not be working and perhaps posting an fla…
u cant just post sumthing like that and hope some1 does it all for u…
to coin a really corny phrase, help us to help you…
Lol, Prophet is right more information would be helpful… with that said, here’s my crappy (and I do mean crappy) example:
I threw this together in about 30 seconds and I think it shows
The only thing that I was trying to get you to see is the startDrag and stopDrag actions…
Another alternative . . .
Check out this tutorial on kirupa:
And just put an input text box inside the movie clip.
Yeah, I should have described it better, or put up a .fla. Either way, Thanks Wizard, you solved my problems!
You’re welcome. :}
wow, wizard, pretty darn good with solving that without knowing at all what he wanted… im impressed
What can I say, I’m just that dam* good :lol:, oh and you forgot to put the “sarcasm” tags on your post.
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