Hi peeps i am haveing a problem with my Array it doesnt seem to work maybe because i don’t clearly under stand of it works, anyway this Array is for my Univercity assignment which unfortunatly has to handed in in a few days
here is the script.
////// Products Search /////////
search.text = “”;
feed.text = “”;
products_array =new Array(“cushion”, “robe”, “spa”);
var cushion_array =new Array (“we have 10 hand stitched chair cushions in stock”);
var robe_array=new Array(“we have 8 luxury bathroom robes in stock”);
var spa_array=new Array(“we have 20 hotel spa treatment sets in stock”);
search_btn.onRelease = function() {
trans = question.text.toLowerCase();
if (trans == “products”) {
feed.text = products_array[0];
} else if (trans == “we have 10 hand stitched chair cushions in stock”) {
feed.text = cushion_array[0];
} else if (trans == “we have 8 luxury bathroom robes in stock”) {
feed.text = robe_array[0];
} else if (trans == “we have 20 hotel spa treatment sets in stock”) {
feed.text = spa_array[0];
and the fla please if anyone can spot the problem im haveing i would be much appriciated