i had originally posted a ton of questions about my problem in an earlier post, but i realized that you guys need to see what i’m delaing with here. so i have attached my FLA files in the hopes that one of you may be able to help me.
if you open up my main fla, and test the move youll see several buttons on the top, one says music. if you click it, i have it set up to load another file, which i have attached called music. inside that file, there is a button that says “ring” which is the name on the song. when you click it i want it to preload and then play a dynamic mp3 called “ring”.
so far, everything works but the loadbar…its just not animating for the preload. I dont think its a path problem, but lets see what you guys say.
sorry for not attaching the swfs, i just put the fla files here. let me know if there are any probs with the files. thanks a million! -d