Help with player mp3 in OOP construction

Hi ;),
i have a problem with my project in OOP : i try to create a mp3 player with the OOP construction, but i have an error message when i try to call the get or set function of another class inside my project.

Could you please help me?

i have my class “client” : to instanciate :

public function Client(){
                        var xml:XMLCharge = new XMLCharge("mp3.xml");
                        var lecteur:Lecteur = new Lecteur( xml );

my class “XMLCharge” to deal with the xml data :

public function XMLCharge(pData:String):void {
xmlURL = pData;

my class “Lecteur” to create a first class for the player : and use the parameter xmlCharge which is >> new XMLCharge(“mp3.xml”); :

public class Lecteur extends Sprite {
                var _xmlCharge : XMLCharge; 
                public function Lecteur(xmlCharge) {
                         _xmlCharge = xmlCharge;

and my class with the buttons of the mp3 player : :

public class BoutonsMp3 extends Lecteur //to have the same parameter as the class "Lecteur"
public function BoutonsMp3  (xml:XMLCharge) {
 super (xml);

i try now to call the get or set function which is inside my class “”. so i try this in the class:

but i have a problem, they say “xml non declared”, but xml is my parameter and i want to call the get function like that, how can i proceed?

Here is the get function in ::

public function get songArray():Array {
         return _songArray;

, and “_songArray” is an array containing an instance of the class “Model” , where there are all the getters and setters of the xml file. I have a loop like that to fill the array :

for (var j:int=0; j<chansonTotal; j++) {
            m = new Model;
            m.lien = xmlLien[j];
            m.titre = xmlTitre[j];
   = xmlID[j];
            _songArray.push (m);

Basically, i’d like to call the “next song” when i press the “next song” button, so i’d like to call the class with all my data, and tell it “read now the next song” :

-xml is here to call the class where my get and set function are
-songArray is the setter,
-current is the variable with the new song, so i’ll have the index songArray[current], to reach therefore the “instance of Model” where all my xml data is

  • and title is the get function inside the class Model…

i hope you’re still there :slight_smile: … i really need some help, where my code is wrong, what do i have to change, to make it work as a OOP project…

Thank you very much for any answer :wink:
I put all my classes in a zip file.