Help with Pop-Up window

I’ve searched the forums and found others who have had this problem. However, it has yet to be answered effectivly.

**The centered pop-up window works GREAT!! However, it doesn’t work if you have more than one link that loads the script for different pages, it doesn’t want to work. If you click on button “b” and launch the window and leave it open, then click on button “c”, it doens’t work! The link are all working on their own, but when one is left open, the rest won’t work. Also, I’ve noticed it DOESN’T work in IE very well with subdomains.

Anyone know of a solution to the problem? Or of another script? The best part about this one is that it is launched dead-center no matter the screen size! Just like the site I have designed, so they work together.

Thanks in advanced for any help!