I have a movie clip with a little animation… but now need a little script that make this MC appear on various spots and disappear again… wiat for a few secs and does it again on another spot(s) in my flash…
can anyone helpme?
I have a movie clip with a little animation… but now need a little script that make this MC appear on various spots and disappear again… wiat for a few secs and does it again on another spot(s) in my flash…
can anyone helpme?
what do you mean appear on various spots and disappear again?
hmm sounds like you want random movement. i would use the random movemennt script on the tuts here at kirupa, then just make the MC fade in and out like you want…if youreally wanted to do something cool, code the random _alpha script. but that wouldnt garentee that you would always get a nice 100% alpha. and i cnat help you to much with it :-\
or just give me all the instructions - i’ll do it
well there you go! i didnt think it was tht easy…
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