I am currently working on a client’s website. I need some help though.
I have a textarea component. This textarea will have text loaded dynamically, so bascially I dont know what the maxVPosition is until runtime. I tried to resize the textarea so that the text doesn’t have to scroll, but this makes the font strech too… making it rather large. I have tried the following to counter this…
yeah I am resizing at runtime… as the this._height = something suggests. I have looked at various properties in the actionscript dictionary but couldn’t find any that helped me =( … I mean if I set a style, it should change right???
Is there a specific reason you are using the text area component instead of just and dynamic textfield. The component has all the properties applied to it as though the text is a picture, thus the streching, it doesn’t apply the _width/_height properties to the bounding box as a regular textfield would.