well I want to make a game in flash and I got codes for movement and hittest with buildings and stuff.
I have some problems with other scripts I need to figure out.
the game soppused to be scripted like zelda basiclly( character moves around, talk to people and attack with a sword)
but I want it to be with gta-style gameplay ( when you talk to people they give you missions).
I asked some forums on how to do that stuff but they keep ignoring or just post stupid replys…
so if you want to help me, here is what I need you to help me with:
attacking- shooting , sword or melee
scrolling (smooth scrolling or screen transitions)
inventory(with getting and giving items on inventory)
thnx, but how can I make my character attack (with animation changing)?
I know It’s something like
"if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {"…gotoandplay…
but I don’t know how to do the hittest stuff with stuff like sword attack or gun shot…
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
as for the sword hitting, inside of 'is animation, make the sword into a movieClip and give it an instance name of “sword”. Then program the heros actions to say:
if (hero.slash_sequence.sword.hitTest(badGuy)) {
how can I get him to stop attacking?
I want him to attack once in every key press, and not continue to attack without stopping…
I tried to put “stop()”, write “gotoandstop” but it just made that worse.