Help with scrolling movieclip

I originally tried getting help from Kode, but he doesn’t seem to be checking his private messages lately! :stuck_out_tongue: As the subject says, I need help with a scrolling movieclip. Basically, I have a mini-site which displays a random poem upon each load of the swf. Visitors have requested an index of poems to choose from, though, and I began work on getting this done. Right now, I have an embedded movieclip which scrolls up and down (it’s y value is modified when the mouse is moved over the scroll buttons), but there’s still a little annoyance for me: it doesn’t scroll continuously while the mouse is over the corresponding scroll button. I have tried several experiments, all of them failing, and I’d really like to offer the convenience of continuous scrolling rather than forcing visitors to click a button again and again. So, here’s a FLA, cheers for anyone who helps me out, I’m sure it isn’t hard stuff for most of you :wink: Oh yeah, I also wondered if there were a better way to limit the y translation when it gets to the top or bottom of the embedded movie clip – so it doesn’t start scrolling beyond the movieclip – rather than finding an absolute y value, as it would get tedious (when adding more text links as more poems are added) and I hear it’s just plain shoddy to use absolute paths or values. Please help :open_mouth: