I’m looking to make secret codes for my site. Basically I have flash on the header of my page, i want people to type in a code like u would for let’s say playstation cheats…
Say they press left, down, up and right in that order it tells the flash to do something… is this possible? Events in flash being triggered by a certain order of keys?
Btw to stop confusion, I don’t mean type into a box, i mean just press the keys, people aren’t sposed to know about it, it’s similar to a cheat code, they get to see a special video if they know about it…
I hope I’ve explained well, if you’re unsure of something just ask…
Hmm interesting, onKeyPress(“left” + “right” + “down”) that would be a combination of keys I know the code won’t work but it would be something similar. Set a time interval then put the onkeypress for left right down and up and if they input it in a certain time have the player gotoAndPlay(“frame name”). I’m not much of help I know but i’m trying to learn all the tricks also.