Help with senoculars mp3 player please!

hello, i’ve used senocular’s mp3 playlist player
and it’s wicked, so thank you for that, it was tough but fun!
take a look: - it’s just a place to stick the music me and my mate make.

i have a couple of fiddly bits i can’t sort out, would really appreciate a hand…

  1. you have to select the track and then press the play button, how can i make it so you can just load the song by clicking on it? i’ve tried for so long!

  2. when you click on certain tracks, sometimes one or two of them disappear, or one diappears, then you click another and another disappears… is there any way to sort that out?

  3. is there any way of making the track stay lit up when you have selected it?

Tried uploading an fla of my file at the moment, but it’s a massive 876k… i can mail it if any brains could help this tired one!
